Digging out

Last weekend we had a 3-day blizzard that left us snowed in. It took quite some work to dig ourselves out again.

When the weather cleared on Monday, we started tunneling through a large snowdrift that was blocking our front door. Because this door opens outward, we had to take out the door window to shovel through the door at first.

On Tuesday afternoon, after moving about 10 cubic metres of hard-packed snow, we reached the driveway.

Marije digging out – Fortune

By Wednesday morning, with the help of a friendly tractor driver, we were finally able to leave home and drive to work again.

It will take some time before all the Island roads are cleared too, this morning I still encountered several places that were single-lane only, like here near East Point:

Single-lane road after the snowstorm – East Point

Weather stats from CBC – February 2024

Apparently this was the biggest snowfall since 2015, with about 60-90 cm in our area, and even more on neighbouring Cape Breton.


Day to Day Life

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